Hours validation

Ph.D. students from the University of Strasbourg will have the opportunity to validate transversal and/or scientific hours by attending the live webinars offered by BIOTechno Grand Est from June 2nd - June 12th.
Students who would want to validate these hours will be provided with a certificate individually upon request at the webinar´s registration page by selecting yes in the appropriate question.

- Certificates will just be award to participants that attend the webinar for a minimum of 75/90 min.
- This certificate will mention the “webinar topic” and the full name of the participant.
- Certificates will be send to the email of the participant after the end of each webinar.
- For validation of each webinar, the participant will have to write a short summary containing the key messages from that webinar. This will be followed by the submission of the summary, along with the certificate to the AMETHIS platform.
- Participants will be allotted 1:30h per webinar, validated as scientific or transversal training hours (depending on the “webinar topic”) decided by their respective ED.
Participants will also have access to the recorded video at the end of each webinar.
Here is an example of the certificate you will receive: